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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Brecon Hospital Open Day

Brecon hospital open day showcases services and puts children at their ease.

Powys teaching Health Board held an open day at Breconshire War Memorial Hospital last week to showcase the wide range of services that are now available to the community.

The event was opened by Kirsty Williams AM who spoke about her support for the hospital and how it has helped her and her family over the years.

With its recently upgraded theatre, more and more treatment can be carried out in Powys, reducing the need for patients to leave the county.

Groups of school children were invited to bring their teddy-bears along to a ‘teddy-bear clinic’ where they were shown the different ways that they might be cared for if they ever needed to come along to the Minor Injury unit at the hospital. This means that any future visits will be far less stressful for the children than they might otherwise be.

In addition, Fresh Start Wales gave advice and support for smokers, encouraging them to take up the ‘Stoptober’ challenge of quitting smoking for the month of October, and hopefully keeping going afterwards. Patch the Dragon was on hand to help both children and adults feel more at ease as they talked about serious health issues.

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