
Supporting Parents to Talk to their Children about Growing up, Relationships and Sex
Children and young people consistently say that they would like to be able to talk more with their parents about these issues. Parents also would like support and information to enable them to do this with comfort and confidence.
The range of issues presented by parents can vary enormously, from responding to questions from young children, to dealing with changes at puberty, to supporting teenagers make decisions around their sexual health, identity and relationships.
This one-day course will be useful for anyone who works with parents including: Parent Group facilitators, Early Years workers, Health Visitors, Parenting workers, Teachers and Volunteers supporting parents etc.
For practitioners to develop their skills and knowledge, and to work more confidently in supporting parents and carers to communicate with their children about sex and relationships.
By the end of the course participants will:
- Be provided with relevant factual information including: the law, puberty and resources to support them in their work
- Have considered the sex and relationship educational needs of children and young people, and how parents can support these
- Have identified strategies to support parents and carers to talk more confidently to their children about sex
- Practiced skills in responding to parents' concerns and questions relating to sex and relationship education
About the Trainer
Deryl Dix started her career working as a drama specialist in Cardiff Council's creative arts team. She later took up a public affairs role within the heart health demonstration project 'Heartbeat Wales', before becoming the Wales Director of the Family Planning Association (FPA). She held this position for ten years and followed it with Director level posts with the RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf people) and CSV (Community Service Volunteers).
Whilst working for the FPA, Deryl gained a post-graduate diploma in counselling from the University of Wales. Further to this, she has both the introductory and intermediate level certificates in Family Therapy, a certificate in 'Group relationships and inter-personal skills', BPS (British Psychological Society) licensing certificates at level A and level B in psychometric testing and is an INLPTA certified practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
In 2000 Deryl established her own training and consultancy business. She now works with clients in a wide variety of roles across the private, public and voluntary sectors, focussing on the development of inter-personal skills including: Management and Leadership development, Team development, Sexuality & relationships, Diversity, Child protection, Communication skills, Coaching and Group facilitation.
If you are interested in future Children in Wales courses, please visit our website or
**Remember that you can attend at a cheaper rate if your organisation is a member of Children in Wales. Join here**
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October 2015
November 2015
Cefnogi Rhieni i siarad a'u Plant am Ddod i oed, Perthnasoedd a Rhyw |

Cefnogi Rhieni i siarad â'u Plant am Ddod i oed, Perthnasoedd a Rhyw
Cwrs undydd
Mae plant a phobl ifanc yn dweud yn gyson yr hoffen nhw allu siarad mwy â'u rhieni am y materion hyn. Hoffai rhieni hefyd gael cefnogaeth a gwybodaeth i'w galluogi i wneud hyn gyda chysur a hyder.Gall yr amrediad o faterion sy'n cael eu cyflwyno gan rieni amrywio'n aruthrol, o ymateb i gwestiynau gan blant bach, i ddelio â newidiadau glasoed, i gefnogi pobl yn eu harddegau i wneud penderfyniadau am eu hiechyd rhywiol, eu hunaniaeth a'u perthnasoedd.
Bydd y cwrs un-dydd hwn o gymorth i unrhyw un sy'n gweithio gyda rhieni gan gynnwys: hwyluswyr Grwpiau Rhieni, gweithwyr Blynyddoedd Cynnar, Ymwelwyr Iechyd, gweithwyr Rhianta, Athrawon a Gwirfoddolwyr sy'n cefnogi rhieni ac yn y blaen.
Y Nod
I ymarferwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau a'u gwybodaeth, ac i weithio'n fwy hyderus wrth gefnogi rhieni a gofalwyr i gyfathrebu â'u plant am ryw a pherthnasoedd.
Amcanion Erbyn diwedd y cwrs bydd y cyfranogwyr:
- Wedi derbyn gwybodaeth ffeithiol sy'n cynnwys: y gyfraith, glasoed ac adnoddau i'w cefnogi yn eu gwaith
- Wedi ystyried anghenion plant a phobl ifanc o ran addysg am ryw a pherthnasoedd, a sut y gall rhieni gefnogi diwallu'r anghenion hyn
- Wedi nodi strategaethau i gefnogi rhieni a gofalwyr i siarad yn fwy hyderus â'u plant am ryw
- Wedi ymarfer sgiliau wrth ymateb i bryderon a chwestiynau rhieni ynghylch addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd
Bydd amrywiaeth o ddulliau hyfforddi'n cael eu defnyddio yn ystod y dydd, gan gynnwys cyflwyniadau gan hyfforddwyr, trafodaethau, cwisiau, gweithgareddau creadigol, amser i fyfyrio ac ymarferion strwythuredig. Prif ffocws y rhaglen yw i ymarferwyr ddatblygu'r hyder a'r sgiliau i weithio'n rhagweithiol gyda rhieni yn y maes hwn. Bydd detholiad o adnoddau i ategu'r gwaith hwn gyda rhieni ar gael i'r cyfranogwyr eu defnyddio a'u hadolygu ar y diwrnod.
Ynghylch yr Hyfforddwr
Pan oedd yn gweithio i'r FPA, cyflawnodd Deryl ddiploma ôl-raddedig mewn cwnsela o Brifysgol Cymru. Ar ben hynny, mae ganddi dystysgrifau cychwynnol a lefel ganolradd mewn Therapi Teulu, tystysgrif mewn 'Perthnasoedd Grwp a sgiliau rhyngbersonol', tystysgrifau trwyddedu'r BPS (Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain) ar lefel A a lefel B mewn profion seicometrig, ac mae hi'n ymarferydd ardystiedig INLPTA mewn Rhaglenni Niwro-Ieithyddol.
Yn 2000 sefydlodd Deryl ei busnes hyfforddi ac ymgynghori ei hun. Mae hi bellach yn gweithio gyda chleientiaid mewn amrywiaeth eang o rolau ar draws y sectorau preifat, cyhoeddus a gwirfoddol, yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygiad sgiliau rhyngbersonol, yn cynnwys: Datblygu Rheolaeth ac Arweinyddiaeth, Datblygu Tîm, Rhywioldeb a Pherthnasoedd, Amrywiaeth, Amddiffyn Plant, Sgiliau Cyfathrebu, Hyfforddiant Tywys a Hwyluso Grwpiau.
Aelodau - £115
Heb fod yn aelodau £135
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb yng nghyrsiau
**Cofiwch y gallwch fynychu am gyfradd ratach os yw'ch corff chi'n aelod o Plant yng Nghymru. Ymunwch yma**
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