Cliciwch yma am y Cymraeg
A Suite of Networking Events that Promotes a Shared Understanding of Bullying and Preventing Bullying Practices
- Identifying and Understanding Bullying - Tuesday, 10 June 2014, Rogerstone - last places available!
- Prevention - Tuesday, 1 July 2014, Carmarthen
- Intervention & Support - Wednesday, 15 October 2014, Porthcawl
- Attitudes - Wednesday, 11 February 2015, Llandudno
Registration - 9.30am - Close 3.30pm - Maximum Attendance 40
About the Jigsaw Workshops
The Jigsaw Workshops are being organised in response to the Children in Wales Preventing Bullying Behaviour Conference in 2013, where delegates highlighted their wish to learn more about practical examples being delivered in the field.
The workshops will promote the establishment of a shared understanding of bullying, that is underpinned by the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, together with effective monitoring and recording of bullying incidents and trends.
Each workshop will be based around four separate themes, with each one addressing bullying behaviour, and together they establish a holistic and stronger approach. The workshops will be designed to provide attendees with the opportunity to network and bring to the fore their ideas and main concerns with regards to bullying.
Attendees will enjoy two 90 minute workshops based on the theme of the day. There will be allocated exhibition space for delegates and presenters to display the work of their projects and to share practice - this will need to be booked in advance.
Please be aware that there is a maximum limit of 40 attendees for each event (cancellations will be charged in FULL).
Following the event, all presentations and feedback will be available on the Children in Wales website, ensuring easy access to information at all times.
Identifying and Understanding Bullying - Tuesday, 10 June 2014, Rivermead Centre, Rogerstone
Discover more about identifying and understanding bullying behaviours by distinguishing between conflict and bullying, which will help to respond appropriately to incidents. Passing on this knowledge to children and young people can help them to manage their thoughts, feelings and responses.
These workshops will be facilitated by Rachel Beddoe, Cardiff Against Bullying and
Penny Steinhauer, EyePat
Prevention- Tuesday, 1 July 2014, Carmarthen area
What measures can be put in place to prevent bullying behaviours amongst children and young people? We will look at the positive effect of recording incidents, monitoring trends, undertaking and acting on research and adopting effective behaviour policies that, when put into practice, create safer environments.
Intervention and Support - Wednesday, 15 October 2014, Porthcawl area
Get ready for Anti Bullying Week 2014! We will be inviting projects, schools and organisations to come along and share their practices around intervention and support. Discover what skills, tools, training and resources can be drawn upon to take back to your school, youth club, play centre and community settings.
Attitudes - Wednesday, 11 February 2015, Llandudno area
Raising awareness around the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 and additional emerging themes (alternative sub cultures, mate crime, cyber bullying). We hope to portray the importance of understanding our children and young people and all the complexities they bring with them into shared settings, and the impact this has on bullying. This will better inform us of how we can best help and support children and young people who have difficulty with bullying.
Additionally, we will discuss the importance of building resilience to equip children and young people with essential life skills, to assist them in identifying solutions to problems and learn to communicate their thoughts and feelings.
Who should attend and why?
- Teachers
- Youth Workers
- School Counsellors
- Healthy School Officers
- Pastoral Leads
- Mental Health Professionals
- Behaviour & Senior Management Teams
- School Governors
- Community Cohesion Officers
- School/Youth Council Representatives
- Third Sector/Community Youth Settings
To be more informed and better equipped to work towards effective practice in the prevention of bullying behaviours, and adopt effective and appropriate interventions and support.
Cost (this may vary for each event)
£18 - Members £25 - Non-members
Exhibition opportunities
We request that exhibitors only showcase materials about their work programme or project that will supplement the theme of the conference - limited space available so please enquire early.
Booking a Place
Please email bookings if you require a WORD version of the booking form.
Please return the completed booking form to:
Children in Wales
25 Windsor Place
CF10 3BZ
Or Fax to: 029 2034 3134
**Remember that you can attend this event at a cheaper rate if your organisation is a member of Children in Wales. Click here to join**
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Cyfres o Ddigwyddiadau Rhwydweithio sy'n Hyrwyddo Dealltwriaeth a Rennir o Fwlio ac Atal Arferion Bwlio
- Adnabod a Deall Bwlio - Dydd Mawrth, 10 Mehefin 2014,
Rogerstone - last places available!
- Ataliaeth - Dydd Mawrth, 1 Gorffennaf 2014, Caerfyrddin
- Ymyrraeth a Chefnogaeth - Dydd Mercher, 15 Hydref 2014, Porthcawl
- Agweddau - Dydd Mercher, 11 Chwefror 2015, Llandudno
Cofrestru - 9.30am - Diwedd 3.30pm - Uchafswm o 40 lle
Am y Gweithdai Jigsô
Mae'r Gweithdai Jigsô yn cael eu trefnu mewn ymateb i Gynhadledd Atal Ymddygiad Bwlio Plant yng Nghymru yn 2013, lle nododd y cynrychiolwyr eu bod yn dymuno dysgu mwy am yr enghreifftiau ymarferol sydd ar waith yn y maes.
Bydd y gweithdai'n mynd ati i sefydlu dealltwriaeth a rennir o fwlio, wedi'i seilio ar egwyddorion Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn, ynghyd â monitro a chofnodi effeithiol yng nghyswllt digwyddiadau bwlio a thueddiadau.
Bydd pob gweithdy wedi'i seilio ar bedair thema wahanol, gyda phob ohonynt yn ymdrin ag ymddygiad bwlio, ac o'u cyfuno byddant yn sefydlu agwedd gyfannol, gryfach. Bydd y gweithdai'n cael eu llunio i roi cyfle i'r rhai sy'n bresennol rwydweithio a chyflwyno eu syniadau a'u prif bryderon ynghylch bwlio.
Bydd y rhai sy'n bresennol yn mwynhau dau weithdy 90 munud ar thema'r diwrnod. Bydd lle i arddangos wedi'i neilltuo, er mwyn i'r cynrychiolwyr a'r cyflwynwyr arddangos gwaith eu prosiectau a rhannu ymarfer - bydd angen trefnu hyn ymlaen llaw.
Sylwer, os gwelwch yn dda, na chaniateir lle i fwy na 40 o bobl ym mhob digwyddiad (byddwn yn codi'r tâl LLAWN ar bawb sy'n canslo).
Ar ôl y digwyddiad, bydd yr holl gyflwyniadau a'r adborth ar gael ar wefan Plant yng Nghymru, gan sicrhau mynediad hwylus at wybodaeth bob amser.
Adnabod a Deall Bwlio - Dydd Mawrth, 10 Mehefin 2014, Canolfan Rivermead, Rogerstone
Cyfle i ddarganfod mwy am adnabod a deall ymddygiad bwlio trwy wahaniaethu rhwng gwrthdaro a bwlio, a fydd yn cynorthwyo ymateb priodol i ddigwyddiadau. Gall trosglwyddo'r wybodaeth hon i blant a phobl ifanc eu helpu i reoli eu meddyliau, eu teimladau a'u hymatebion.
Bydd y gweithdai hyn yn cael eu hwyluso gan Rachel Beddoe, Caerdydd yn erbyn Bwlio a Penny Steinhauer, EyePat
Ataliaeth- Dydd Mawrth, 1 Gorffennaf 2014, ardal Caerfyrddin
Pa fesurau y gellir eu rhoi ar waith i atal ymddygiad bwlio ymhlith plant a phobl ifanc? Byddwn yn edrych ar effaith gadarnhaol cofnodi digwyddiadau, monitro tueddiadau, cynnal ymchwil a gweithredu ar ei sail, a mabwysiadu polisïau ymddygiad effeithiol sydd, o'u rhoi ar waith, yn creu amgylcheddau mwy diogel.
Ymyrraeth a Chefnogaeth - Dydd Mercher, 15 Hydref 2014, ardal Porthcawl
Paratowch ar gyfer Wythnos Gwrthfwlio 2014! Byddwn ni'n gwahodd prosiectau, ysgolion a sefydliadau i ddod a rhannu eu harferion ym maes ymyrraeth a chefnogaeth. Dewch i ddarganfod pa sgiliau, offer, hyfforddiant ac adnoddau y gellir mynd â nhw nôl i'ch ysgol, eich clwb ieuenctid, eich canolfan chwarae a lleoliadau cymunedol i'w defnyddio.
Agweddau -
Dydd Mercher, 11 Chwefror 2015, ardal Llandudno
Cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth yng nghyswllt y nodweddion a amddiffynnir gan Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 a themâu ychwanegol sy'n dod i'r amlwg (is-ddiwylliannau amgen, troseddau ffrindiau, seiberfwlio). Rydyn ni'n gobeithio portreadu pwysigrwydd deall ein plant a'n pobl ifanc a'r holl gymhlethdodau a ddaw i leoliadau a rennir yn eu sgîl, ac effaith hynny ar fwlio. Bydd hyn yn rhoi gwell gwybodaeth i ni ynghylch sut orau gallwn ni helpu a chefnogi plant a phobl ifanc sy'n cael anhawster gyda bwlio.
Ar ben hynny, byddwn yn trafod pwysigrwydd meithrin gwydnwch fel bod gan blant a phobl ifanc sgiliau bywyd hanfodol, i'w helpu i ganfod atebion i broblem a dysgu cyfleu eu teimladau a'u meddyliau.
Pwy ddylai fod yn bresennol a pham?
- Athrawon
- Gweithwyr Ieuenctid
- Cwnselwyr Ysgol
- Swyddogion Ysgolion Iach
- Arweinyddion Bugeiliol
- Gweithwyr Proffesiynol Iechyd Meddwl
- Timau Ymddygiad ac Uwch-reolwyr
- Llywodraethwyr Ysgolion
- Swyddogion Cydlyniant Cymunedol
- Cynrychiolwyr Cynghorau Ysgol/Ieuenctid
- Lleoliadau Ieuenctid Trydydd Sector/ Cymunedol
I dderbyn mwy o wybodaeth a chael gwell paratoad i weithio tuag at arfer effeithiol wrth atal ymddygiad bwlio, a mabwysiadu ymyriadau a chefnogaeth effeithiol a phriodol. |
Cost (gall hyn amrywio o un digwyddiad i'r nesaf)
£18 - Aelodau £25 - Rhai nad ydynt yn aelodau
Cyfleoedd i arddangos
Gofynnwn i arddangoswyr gynnwys deunydd sy'n trafod eu rhaglen waith neu'r prosiect sy'n cyd-fynd â thema'r gynhadledd yn unig, os gwelwch yn dda. Lle cyfyngedig sydd ar gael, felly dylid gwneud ymholiadau'n gynnar.
Cadw Lle
Anfonwch e-bost i bookings os oes angen fersiwn WORD o'r ffurflen cadw lle arnoch chi
Ar ôl ei llenwi, dychwelwch y ffurflen cadw lle i:
Plant yng Nghymru
25 Plas Winsor
CF10 3BZ
Neu ffacs i: 029 2034 3134
Neu Cofrestrwch ar-lein yma.
**Cofiwch y bydd cost dod i'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhatach os yw eich sefydliad yn aelod o Plant yng Nghymru. Cliciwch yma i ymuno
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