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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Services in Welsh: activity mapping & assessing ability to provide services

Please see the letter below and complete the Self-Assessment Forms via the links below:

Self Assessment Form - Final April
Ffurflen Hunan Asesu-terfynol Ebrill

If you have any difficulty in accessing or completing these forms please contact PAVO for assistance

Dear Member

Mapio gweithgareddau ac asesu gallu i ddarparu gwasanaethau Cymraeg

Bydd dyletswydd gynyddol ar sefydliadau yng Nghymru, yn sgil Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011, i ddarparu rhagor o wasanaethau a gweithgareddau cyfrwng Cymraeg, a bydd yn ofynnol i adrodd ar sgiliau iaith staff, ac edrych ar allu sefydliadau a mudiadau i ddarparu gwasanaethau trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Bydd y sector plant a phobl ifanc yn allweddol yn hyn o beth, yn enwedig gan fod 40% o rai 3-15 oed ym Mhowys yn siarad Cymraeg.

Yn sgil penderfyniad yng nghyfarfod diwethaf y Bartneriaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc i ofyn i’r aelodau amlinellu’r gweithgareddau a’r gwasanaethau Cymraeg maent yn eu darparu, amgaeaf Ffurflen Hunan-asesu a Mapio Gweithgareddau Cyfrwng Cymraeg i’w llenwi.

Diben yr ymarfer hunan-asesu yw cynnig sylfaen o wybodaeth ar gyfer mynd ati i gyflawni’r safonau fydd yn cael eu gosod gan Lywodraeth Cymru o dan Fesur y Gymraeg, ac a fydd wedyn yn cael eu monitro gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg.

Bydd yr ymarfer mapio gweithgareddau yn fodd o weld pa weithgareddau cyfrwng Cymraeg sy’n cael eu darparu i blant a phobl ifanc yn y sir, er mwyn gallu;
-Rhannu arfer da,
-Rhoi gwybod i grwpiau eraill am yr hyn sy’n digwydd,
-Adnabod bylchau amlwg yn y ddarpariaeth.

Bydd canfyddiadau’r ymarfer hwn hefyd yn bwydo i mewn i raglen waith Grŵp Cyfeirio’r Gymraeg, sy’n is-bwyllgor i’r Bartneriaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc, i weld pa waith sydd ei angen gan aelodau’r grŵp hwnnw i geisio llenwi’r bylchau, a chefnogi gwaith grwpiau a mudiadau eraill lle bo angen, er bydd plant a phobl ifanc sy’n siarad Cymraeg o fewn y sir.

Ni ddylai’r ymarfer hunan-asesu a mapio gymryd mwy na thua chwarter awr, ond mae’n bwysig fod y wybodaeth y byddwch yn ei rhoi mor gyflawn ag sy’n bosibl.

Dylech lenwi ac anfon y ffurflen at Bedwyr Fychan yn Uned Gymraeg, Cyngor Sir Powys ( erbyn 17 Mai 2013. Byddwn hefyd yn anfon nodyn atgoffa atoch ychydig cyn hynny.

Wedi i ni dderbyn y wybodaeth, byddwn yn ei dadansoddi, cyn adrodd yn ôl i Grŵp Cyfeirio’r Gymraeg ac i’r Bartneriaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc yn y man.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cydweithrediad.

Activity mapping and assessing ability to provide services in Welsh

There will be an increasing duty on organisations in Wales, under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, to provide more services and activities through the medium of Welsh, along with a requirement to report on the Welsh language skills of staff, and the ability to provide services in Welsh.

The children and young people’s sector will be key to this, especially as 40% of 3-15 year olds in Powys speak Welsh.

Following a decision in the last meeting of the Children and Young Peoples partnership to ask its members to outline the Welsh medium activities and services they provide, I enclose a Self Assessment and Welsh Medium Activity Mapping Form to be completed.

The purpose of the Self Assessment exercise is to establish baseline information for future work on achieving the standards to be set by the Welsh Government under the Welsh Language Measure, which will be monitored by the Welsh Language Commissioner.

The activity mapping exercise will allow us to see what Welsh language activities are provided for children and young people in the County, in order to;
-Share good practice,
-Tell other groups about what is being provided,
-Identify any distinct gaps in provision.

The results will contribute to the work programme of the Welsh Language Reference Group, a sub-committee of the Children and Young People Partnership, to see what the group will need to do to fill any gaps, and to support the work of other groups and organisations, for the benefit of children and young people who speak Welsh in Powys.

The self-assessment and mapping exercise shouldn’t take more than around 15 minutes, but it is important that the information you provide is as complete as possible.

The form should be completed and sent to Bedwyr Fychan at the Welsh Unit, Powys County Council ( by 17 May 2013. We will also send a reminder a few days before the deadline.

After we have received the information, it will be analysed, before we report back to the Welsh Language Reference Group and the Children and Young People’s Partnership.

Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Yours faithfully

Children & Young People’s Partnership

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