This Network connects third sector organisations with each other, makes links with strategic planning and processes of Children & Young People's Partnership.
submitting articles for this site
If you wish to have any news relating to services for children and their families published onto this site please forward items to PAVO via email: info@pavo.org.uk. Preferably send attachments in Word or publisher rather than pdf format.
If you wish to have further information about anything appearing here please do contact PAVO via the HelpDesk email: info@pavo.org.uk or phone: 0845 009 3288
If any of the links to documents, surveys or other websites don't work please do let us know and we will try again.
See our Sister Blog: PAVO Powys Play Partnership -http://powysplaypartnership.blogspot.co.uk/
Friday, 27 May 2016
TRAINING: Introduction to Soft Outcomes and Distance Travelled | HYFFORDDIANT: Cyflwyniad i Ganlyniadau Meddal a'r Pellter a Ddeithiwyd
Outcomes Based Care Planning & Person Centred Active Support
Places available on the Outcomes Based Care Planning & Person Centred Active Support training as follows:-
13th June, Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon 9.30am – 4.30pm
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or telephone 01597 827507
Aim: To enable participants to have the knowledge and skills required to facilitate outcomes based person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review Key Learning Outcomes: § Understand the principles of outcomes based assessments and plans § Understand how to facilitate person centred assessments § Understand different types of outcomes and how to measure them § Understand how adopting an outcomes focussed approach contributes to quality services |
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Deaf Awareness - Free places no charge for attendance
Places available on the Deaf Awareness as follows:-
9th June 2016 in Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon LD3 7HR 9.30am – 4.30pm
5th December 2016 in Committee Room, Neuadd Maldwyn, Severn Road, Welshpool SY21 7AS 9.30am – 4.30pm
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or telephone 01597 827507
Aim: Sessions focus on the common problems faced by deaf and hard of hearing people and how to address them. It includes effective communication techniques to use with people who have a hearing loss. Key Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to: ■ Describe the different types of deafness and the problems caused by hearing loss ■ Identify behaviours which can suggest that someone may be Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing ■ Recognise some basic ways of improving communication with deaf people ■ Describe the range of barriers which may impact on deaf people ■ Identify the range, benefits and limitations of technical aids that are available ■ Spell some basic words using finger spelling |
Free Spring Holiday Play Montgomeryshire Play sessions
Play Montgomeryshire is continuing its play programme this Spring Half Term holiday with free of charge play sessions throughout the Shire.
It all starts on Saturday 28th May with the regular monthly craft sessions in Newtown Library from 10.30 to 12noon. Sam will be supporting the children to make Fathers day cards and Mieke has a total surprise up her sleeves.
It all starts on Saturday 28th May with the regular monthly craft sessions in Newtown Library from 10.30 to 12noon. Sam will be supporting the children to make Fathers day cards and Mieke has a total surprise up her sleeves.
Honeypot Pen Y Bryn Launch
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PAVO Training courses
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Friday, 20 May 2016
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Ashfield Community Enterprise Open Day & AGM
Ashfield Community Enterprise is holding an Open Day on Saturday 18th June from 11am - 4pm, we do hope that you are able to come; bring your friends and family to join in the fun and find out about Ashfield.
Don't forget that there will be plants for sale on the day, and you could book an allotment space or regular veg box too!
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Briefing Session - Welfare Reforms Phase II and Universal Credit
Welfare Reforms Phase II and Universal Credit
Training dates: 1st July, 11th July, 19th July & 26th July 2016
The government
is committed to carry on with its programme of austerity measures, which
includes reducing public expenditure through further reforming the United
Kingdom social security system to make it more affordable.
Equality in Film and Television project and opportunities.
Diverse Cymru are working with and on behalf of the Welsh Government’s Creative Industries Sector Team to deliver a pioneering project, Diversity in Film and TV, to explore the barriers that may prevent people from diverse backgrounds becoming involved in the sector.
Diverse Cymru are working with professionals in the creative industries to explore positive solutions to ensure that anyone with drive and talent has a fair chance to work successfully within a growing industry that represent the true diversity of Wales. Diverse Cymru are currently identifying people from diverse backgrounds with the skills relevant to the creative sector and also promoting upcoming film and TV opportunities.
Playday 2016 theme announcement / Cyhoeddi thema Diwrnod Chwarae 2016
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Wednesday, 18 May 2016
The EU referendum and the third sector in Wales / Refferendwm yr UE a'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru
WCVA has published a briefing paper, which sets out:
· WCVA's position and role; and
· information about the European Union (EU) referendum.
Whizz-Kidz in Wales
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Programme 21st June 2016 - Together for Children & Young People
Twitter: #Together4CYP
This Year’s Conference will provide delegates with the opportunity to listen to the experiences of young service users who will be presenting the findings of the recent ‘Making Sense’ report into CAMHS. The conference will highlight recent work to engage with Children and Young People across Wales and how we will address the key issues they raised. Speakers will include:
This Year’s Conference will provide delegates with the opportunity to listen to the experiences of young service users who will be presenting the findings of the recent ‘Making Sense’ report into CAMHS. The conference will highlight recent work to engage with Children and Young People across Wales and how we will address the key issues they raised. Speakers will include:
Galluogi Hawliau Plant a Phobl Ifanc/Enabling Children's and Young People's Rights
Gweler isod gwybodaeth a fydd efallai o ddiddordeb i chi. Mae croeso i chi rannu’r e-bost hwn gyda phobl eraill sydd â diddordeb.
Please see below information which you may find of interest. Please feel free to share this e-mail with other interested parties.
"Enabling Children’s and Young People’s Rights”
Training on United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Welsh Government supported half day training session. Sector Specific:
May–July for Education, Child Care and Social Care
Friday, 13 May 2016
Llandrindod SOUP
Those of you who have been to a SOUP party before will know what a great way it is for local organisations and individuals to pitch for funds.
The next Llandrindod SOUP is on 12th June at The Big Lunch / Queen’s 90th Birthday Street Party.
Mental Capacity Act & Best Interest - Free places - No charge for attendance
Places available on the MCA & BI training as follows:
27th May 2016, NPTC Coleg Powys Newtown 9.30am – 4.30pm
13th July 2016, Committee Room A, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells 9.30am – 4.30pm
9th September 2016, Committee Room 2, Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon 9.30am – 4.30pm
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or telephone 01597 827507
This training is relevant to all staff that may need to make decisions in relation to adults who do not fully have the capacity to make those decisions for themselves. This includes people with dementia, those with learning disabilities and those who may have impaired functions for example as a result of a stroke or brain injury.
Key Learning Outcomes:
■ Understand the basic principles of the Act
■ Undertake mental capacity assessments in relation to high risk, complex or safeguarding situations. Explain the diagnostic test as well as functional test. How the Mental Capacity Assessments should be carried out, with relevant case studies and practical examples. What recording is needed to evidence the functional test of capacity?
■ Balance risks and rights where unwise decisions risk of harm due to vulnerability may be being made – Discuss inherent jurisdiction, Court of Protection
■ Learn who is the “decision maker”?
■ Be familiar with the concept of “best interest”, including Best Interest Assessment Checklist, values, beliefs, etc. culture - who to involve.
■ Learn about the role of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA), Court of Protection, Office of Public Guardian, safeguarding and Dols Team
■ Substituted Decision making - Lasting Power of Attorney , financial LPA, health and welfare LPA, Advance Directive, Court appointed deputies, Court of protection – one off decisions
Places available on the 2 day ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills) course
7th & 8th June in the MRC Wales, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6DF
Please book your places via Trent self-service or email pwbotu@powys.gov.uk or telephone 01597 827507
Aim: ASIST aims to improve the methods used by all health, social care and emergency services professionals to support people at risk of suicide. Key Learning Outcomes: After training, ASIST participants should be able to: ■ Recognise that caregivers and persons at risk are affected by personal and societal attitudes about suicide. ■ Discuss suicide in a direct manner with someone at risk. ■ Identify risk alerts and develop related safeplans. ■ Demonstrate the skills required to intervene with a person at risk of suicide. ■ List the types of resources available to a person at risk, including him or herself. ■ Recognise that suicide prevention is broader than suicide first-aid and includes life promotion and self-care for caregivers. Course Provider: New Pathways Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm |
Living with Diabetes Day
Living with Diabetes Day is being held on 29th June 2016 at Cefn Lea Conference Centre, Dolfor, Newtown, SY16 4AJ, 9:30-4:30.
Competition time >>> £100 up for grabs for Welsh primary schools
Click HERE to find out more!
Wanted - Board & Committee Members
Have you got what it takes to join our Board of Trustees or Finance Committee?
Girlguiding Cymru are seeking a new Volunteer Trustee to serve on the Board of Trustees and a volunteer committee member to join our Business, Finance, Treasury & Audit Committee to assist with the strategic direction of Guiding across Wales.
As a Trustee/Committee Member you will help to achieve our strategic vision and ensuring good governance, you will ideally also have skills and experience in at least one of the following areas:
· Company Management
· Finance and Accounting
· Property Management including listed buildings
· Human Resources
· Information Technology
The Board and committee will meet a minimum of three times a year with Board meetings taking place at weekends and the finance committee meeting during the week. These are voluntary roles with reasonable travel expenses being payable.
Please send a letter of interest detailing your experience and how you think that you can make a difference to our organisation toRachael.Clutton-Haines@girlguiding.org.uk by 18th May 2016.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Secondary School Review – Mid and South Powys
Powys County Council is currently consulting on the way that secondary school education is being delivered in Mid (Llandrindod and Builth Wells High Schools) and South Powys (Brecon and Gwernyfed High Schools).
The consultation documentation is available on Powys County Council’s website at www.powys.gov.uk/haveyoursay.
Third Sector Organisations representing people with a ‘protected characteristic’ in line with the Equality Act 2010 to discuss the education proposals are invited to attend a consultation workshop on Monday 16th May 2016 at 10.30 am at Cartrefi Cymru, 27 Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6DF .
This workshop will be facilitated by Opinion Research Services, which is an independent company that is supporting the council during the consultation. If you organisation wishes to attrend you need to contact Jayne Bevan Strategic Programme Manager PCC on jayne.bevan@powys.gov.uk or 01597 826695 by lunchtime on 12th May 2016 if you are able to attend the workshop. Please let Jayne know if you have any particular requirements for taking part in the workshop (e.g. a need for a hearing loop).
There are other ways for your organisation to respond to the consultation as well. Questionnaires are available on the Council’s website or you can write directly to Opinion Research Services, Freepost SS1018, PO Box 530, Swansea SA1 1ZL or email consultation@ors.org. PCC would also appreciate it if you were able to encourage your service users/contacts to respond to the consultation using these other methods as well.
Powys Regional Partnership Board, working together with the people of Powys
The way in which the council delivers care and support for adults, families, children and carers is changing.
On April 6, 2016 the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act came into force. Whilst it is called the ‘The Social Services and Wellbeing Act’ it affects a wide range of services that the council and its partners operate. For example, under wellbeing, health and leisure services are equally as important in achieving the right outcomes for citizens as our health and social services.
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