This Network connects third sector organisations with each other, makes links with strategic planning and processes of Children & Young People's Partnership.
submitting articles for this site
If you wish to have any news relating to services for children and their families published onto this site please forward items to PAVO via email: Preferably send attachments in Word or publisher rather than pdf format.
If you wish to have further information about anything appearing here please do contact PAVO via the HelpDesk email: or phone: 0845 009 3288
If any of the links to documents, surveys or other websites don't work please do let us know and we will try again.
See our Sister Blog: PAVO Powys Play Partnership -
Friday, 27 September 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Safe Network Autumn Webinars
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
PLAY: UNCRC issue a General Comment on article 31 "the right to rest, leisure, play & recreation"
In April, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a General Comment No 17 in response to the poor recognition given by States to Article 31; " .... the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities and free and full participation in cultural and artistic life."
Whilst in Wales, we are lucky to be unique in Welsh Government placing a duty to ensure that there is sufficient play opportunities onto Local Authorities, the Committee recognises that:
2. the Committee, in its reviews of implementation of the rights of the child under the Convention, is concerned by the poor recognition given by States to Article 31 rights. Poor recognition of their significance in the lives of children results in lack of investment in appropriate provision, weak or non-existent protective legislation and invisibility of children in national and local level planning. In general, where investment is made, it is in the provision of structured and organised activities. Equally important is the need to create time and space for spontaneous play, recreation and creativity, and the promotion of societal attitudes that support and encourage such activity.
3. The Committee is particularly concerned about the difficulties faced by particular categories of children in the matters of enjoyment and in the conditions of equality, of the rights defined in article 31, especially girls, poor children, children with disabilities, indigenous children, children belonging to minorities, etc.
4. Furthermore, profound changes in the world in which children are growing up are having a major impact on their opportunity to enjoy Article 31 rights. The urban population, especially in developing countries, is increasing significantly as is the worldwide presence of violence in all its forms at home, in schools, through mass media and in the streets, with implications, alongside the commercialisation of play provision, is influencing the forms of children’s engagement in recreation, as well as cultural and artistic activities. For many children within both rich and poor countries, child labour, domestic work, or increasing educational demands serve to reduce the time available for enjoyment of these rights.
5. This General Comment has been developed to address these concerns, raise the profile, awareness and understanding among States as to the centrality of Article 31 rights in the life and development of every child and to elaborate measures to ensure their implementation. Article 31 rights have universal application in the diversity of communities and societies of the world and respect the value of all cultural traditions and forms. The rights are to be enjoyed by every child, regardless of the place where he/she lives, his/her cultural background or his/her parental status.
6. The General Comment does not address the issue of sport; sport is a major issue in its own right and is only touched on tangentially here. In respect of cultural life, it focuses primarily on aspects related to creative or artistic life, rather than the broader definition embraced within Article 30, the right of the child to enjoy his or her own culture.
‘Play’: Children’s play as behaviour, activity, or processes initiated, controlled and structured by children themselves and it takes place whenever and wherever opportunities arise.
Caregivers may contribute to the creation of environments in which it takes place, but play itself is non-compulsory, driven by intrinsic motivation and is undertaken for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end.
It involves the exercise of autonomy, physical, mental or emotional activity, and has the potential to take infinite forms, either in groups or alone. These forms will change and adapt throughout the course of childhood.
The key characteristics of play are fun, uncertainty, challenge, flexibility and non-productivity. Together, these factors contribute to the enjoyment it produces and the consequent incentive to continue to play.
While play is often considered non-essential, the Committee reaffirms that it is a fundamental and vital dimension of the pleasure of childhood, as well as an essential component of physical, social, cognitive, emotional and spiritual development.
Caregivers may contribute to the creation of environments in which it takes place, but play itself is non-compulsory, driven by intrinsic motivation and is undertaken for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end.
It involves the exercise of autonomy, physical, mental or emotional activity, and has the potential to take infinite forms, either in groups or alone. These forms will change and adapt throughout the course of childhood.
The key characteristics of play are fun, uncertainty, challenge, flexibility and non-productivity. Together, these factors contribute to the enjoyment it produces and the consequent incentive to continue to play.
While play is often considered non-essential, the Committee reaffirms that it is a fundamental and vital dimension of the pleasure of childhood, as well as an essential component of physical, social, cognitive, emotional and spiritual development.
Toolkit for Schools: Use of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours
A toolkit for schools Use of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours |
A toolkit designed to help head teachers, governors and local organisations to work together to consider making school grounds available to local children out of teaching hours. It is designed to provide clear and concise information for school communities and their partners to assess the feasibility of making school grounds available for children’s play out of teaching hours. The toolkit considers a range of issues that need to be taken into account. It includes quotes from head teachers and case studies that demonstrate a range of models. It also provides practical, step-by-step tools and templates to undertaking work linked to the opening of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours. To develop this toolkit, Play Wales established and consulted with a focus group of head teachers and external stakeholders during the drafting process and used their questions, responses and experiences to address the most significant issues. The production of this toolkit has been funded by the Welsh Government to support the developments arising from the Play Sufficiency Assessments completed by each local authority in Wales. Section 11 of the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 places a duty on local authorities to assess and secure sufficient play opportunities for children in their area. Download the toolkit |
Pecyn cymorth ar gyfer ysgolion Defnyddio tiroedd ysgol ar gyfer chwarae’r tu allan i oriau addysgu |
Pecyn cymorth sydd wedi ei ddylunio i gynorthwyo penaethiaid, llywodraethwyr a mudiadau lleol i weithio gyda’i gilydd i ystyried sicrhau bod tiroedd ysgol ar gael i blant lleol y tu allan i oriau addysgu. Mae’r pecyn cymorth hwn wedi ei ddylunio i ddarparu gwybodaeth eglur a chryno ar gyfer cymunedau ysgolion a’u partneriaid, er mwyn asesu ymarferoldeb gwneud yn siŵr bod tiroedd ysgol ar gael ar gyfer chwarae plant y tu allan i oriau addysgu. Mae’r pecyn cymorth hwn yn edrych ar yr amrywiol faterion fydd angen eu hystyried. Mae’n cynnwys dyfyniadau gan benaethiaid sy’n seiliedig ar drafodaethau fu’n rhan o ddatblygiad y pecyn cymorth ac astudiaethau achos sy’n arddangos amrywiol fodelau. Mae hefyd yn darparu dulliau a thempledi cam-wrth-gam, ymarferol ar gyfer cwblhau gwaith sy’n gysylltiedig ag agor tiroedd ysgol ar gyfer chwarae’r tu allan i oriau addysgu. Er mwyn datblygu’r pecyn cymorth hwn sefydlodd Chwarae Cymru, ac ymgynghori â, grŵp ffocws o benaethiaid a rhanddeiliaid allanol yn ystod y broses ddrafftio gan ddefnyddio eu cwestiynau, eu ymatebion a’u profiadau i ymdrin â’r materion pwysicaf. Mae cynhyrchiad y pecyn cymorth hwn wedi ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi datblygiadau sy’n deillio o’r Asesiadau Digonolrwydd Chwarae a gwblhawyd gan bob awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru. Mae Adran 11 o Fesur Plant a Theuluoedd (Cymru) 2010 yn gosod dyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol i asesu a sicrhau cyfleoedd chwarae digonol ar gyfer plant yn eu hardal. Lawrlwytho’r pecyn cymorth |
Monday, 16 September 2013
National Youth Services Strategy Consultation Response from PAVO
PAVO has put in a response to Welsh Government's Consultation on the National Youth Services Strategy.
This was circulated and responses requested. We did have a few responses but not many. We've drawn on our experiences and discussions with youth groups we work with so we hope that we have raised some relevant issues, on your behalf.
The consultation closes today and we are not likely to have any feedback from Welsh Government and will await their final document.
In the meantime, many volunteers will carry on delivering activities and supporting young people to reach their potential within their own communities, just as always!!!
To access the response click here
This was circulated and responses requested. We did have a few responses but not many. We've drawn on our experiences and discussions with youth groups we work with so we hope that we have raised some relevant issues, on your behalf.
The consultation closes today and we are not likely to have any feedback from Welsh Government and will await their final document.
In the meantime, many volunteers will carry on delivering activities and supporting young people to reach their potential within their own communities, just as always!!!
To access the response click here
Welsh Government,
Youth Work
Local Service Board - Consultation with Stakeholders 20th September, Llandrindod Wells
20th September 2013
9am-4.30pm, The Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells, Powys.
First phase consultation with key stakeholders to identify the high level strategic collaborative priorities for Powys over the next 3 years.
The day will consider the role of the Council as a community lead, vision & principles for a more collaborative approach to the challenges of public services.
To book a place:
tel: 01597 827332
please state any significant needs: access or diet.
To view the information on the poster please Click Here
9am-4.30pm, The Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells, Powys.
First phase consultation with key stakeholders to identify the high level strategic collaborative priorities for Powys over the next 3 years.
The day will consider the role of the Council as a community lead, vision & principles for a more collaborative approach to the challenges of public services.
To book a place:
tel: 01597 827332
please state any significant needs: access or diet.
To view the information on the poster please Click Here
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Dyfodol Powys Futures E Bulletin
Dyfodol Powys Futures latest Bulletin is now available:
It covers:
Inclusive Play Training
2 Day training for parents group leaders
Fire, Health & Safety Training
Cool Futures Summer Activities
WCVA & CRU: DBS Update Service
St Johns Family Centre Job Vacancy
Cooperative Project Funding available.
To download a copy please
click here
It covers:
Inclusive Play Training
2 Day training for parents group leaders
Fire, Health & Safety Training
Cool Futures Summer Activities
WCVA & CRU: DBS Update Service
St Johns Family Centre Job Vacancy
Cooperative Project Funding available.
To download a copy please
click here
Job Vacancies: Newtown Nursery Staff
Has vacancies for the following positions:
START LEADER (20.5 hours / £9.00 / Term
START ASSISTANT (18.5 hours / £7.45 / Term Time)
STAFF (As & When Required / Nat Minimum)
![]() |
You will:
Provide the children with a safe, secure and
homely environment
Liaise with parents / carers, colleagues and
outside agencies
Plan, organise and implement a programme of
activities to meet the needs of the children
Work as part of a highly motivated and
professional team.
will need to:
Hold a relevant early years and childcare
qualification at Level 2 or above (or, for
the Flying Start Leader post hold, or be working towards, a relevant Level 5
Have gained experience within a nursery
In addition, you will need to be flexible
and creative, with the commitment to provide first class childcare.
Cherubs Day
Nursery is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
Cherubs Day Nursery is committed to safeguarding children and expects
all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS is required
for this post.
To obtain an application pack please call 01686 629114 or email
Closing date for completed applications: 20 September
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Third Sector Service Provider Forum
Powys Third Sector Service Provider Forum
At the next Third Sector Providers Meeting, we will be joined by Christopher Salmon, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, who will outline his approach to commissioning and his commissioning priorities for the current strategic period. We will also have an opportunity to discuss the Newtown Neighbourhood management pilot with its Manager and coordinator, Louisa Kerr. Also, please bring with you any data or information you may have regarding the impact of welfare reform on your clients / service users. There is now a Welfare Reform Reference Group in Powys that is seeking to collect essential information and coordinate support.
To book on please email:
PAVO Offices, 30 Ddole Road
Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells
Monday 16th September
10a.m. – 1.00p.m.
9.30am Coffee / Tea
10.00am Christopher
Salmon, Dyfed-Powys Police & Crime Commissioner
process and priorities
11.30am 11.30am Coffee / Tea
11.45am Louisa
Kerr, Neighbourhood Management Coo-ordinator
Third Sector involvement
in Newtown Pilot
12.30pm Welfare Reform Impact – information
1.00pm Networking
provide your own lunch - drinks will be provided)
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Childhood Obesity Task Group
The Child Measurement Programme report
has highlighted that Powys has a higher than Wales average of overweight or obesity for four to five year olds and childhood obesity has been identified as a public health priority.
It has been proposed to pull together a task and finish group which will and report to the Healthy Weight Steering Group, who have developed an action plan across the life course approach.
The suggested membership for the Task and Finish group is;
· Powys Public Health Team
· Powys tHB Dietetics
· Powys tHB Localities
· PCC Strategic Director – Place
· Powys Children & Young People’s partnership representative(s)
· PCC Education / School Improvement
· Powys Youth & Family Information Services
· Powys tHB Maternity
· Powys tHB Health Visitor
· Powys tHB School Nurse
· Powys CC Catering (School meals)
· Healthy Schools/Healthy Pre-schools
· Powys CC Sports Development
· Powys CC Highways / Planning
An initial meeting has been agreed for the Childhood Obesity Task & Finish group for 4th October.
PAVO will be attending on behalf of the 3rd Sector. If you wish to feed into this group please contact the PAVO offices and we can make sure you are involved with the discussions.
Monday, 9 September 2013
DBS information & training, 8th October, Llandrindod Wells
Please see the below DBS Information/Training Session we are holding at Ddole Road. You are all welcome to attend and please also promote to any groups or individuals you work with who may wish to attend as it is open to all.
WCVA CRU team and Four Counties are holding a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Information/Training Session on Tuesday 8th October 2013 in Llandrindod Wells at 1.30pm – 4.15pm.
WCVA CRU team will be presenting on the new DBS Update Service and how it can help for safer recruiting of new volunteers or staff for any organisation.
It makes life easier for the volunteers and staff working with vulnerable groups and it also makes checking faster and more efficient for organisations.
There will be plenty of opportunities to be informed and ask questions on the day.
Please find attached information and agenda for the afternoon.
It is a Free event and open for ALL to attend but spaces are limited, to book and for more information, please call PAVO tel: 01597 822 191 or
Friday, 6 September 2013
Dealing with Debt - Training available, Cardiff
Call us on 02920 411155
Last places available - Dealing with Debt 2012 - 12th September 2013 in Cardiff
As our customers and clients face unprecedented levels of debt and financial hardship due to the current austerity measures and recovery from the previously prevailing culture of cheap credit, this course aims to provide an insight into debt, the role of advice & the options available in helping clients resolve their circumstances.
Essential training for anyone working within the housing related support sector, but also highly relevant for social care and health practitioners requiring a deeper understanding and further knowledge on the advice process and options available for those in financial difficulty.
The course covers:
- The causes of debt
- Types of action that can be taken in Court for money issues
- How to deal with emergencies
- The debt advice process
- Debt Management
- Bankruptcy
- Debt Relief Orders Individual Voluntary Arrangements & Administration Orders
- Information & Referrals -
Full course profile at
Dealing with Debt 2013 Cardiff, 12th September 2013
Cost £120 - book via
For a list of all Train on the Tracks open courses, including many welfare benefit courses, please visit:
For a full spectrum of all our courses visit
Train on the Tracks Limited 12 Iestyn Street Cardiff CF11 9HT
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Zoom Young Flimmaker Awards 2014 Announced!
Calling all young filmmakers 8 - 25.....Have you made a film? Then considerentering into the Zoom Young Filmmaker Awards 2014!
There are no strict rules about what your film should be like. What we’relooking for is originality and creativity. All we’re asking for is that the
majority of your film’s crew, including the Director, and those who appear on
screen are aged between 8 and 25. The best films will have an interesting story
or subject matter, filmed and cut to the best possible standard within their
time and budget constraints. So if you have a good story you want to tell
everyone and think you could tell it in an original way, send it to us and you
may well be seeing your work on the big screen.
Download the entry form attached for guidelines on how to submit, you can also
give us a call on 01443 888337 / 07717532723 or email
DEADLINE: January 13th 2014 is the entry deadline. If your film hasn’t arrived
— complete with entry form, film, and all the stuff in the checklist — by
January 13th , it won’t be eligible, so don’t delay!
The Zoom Young Filmmaker Awards is part of the Zoom International Youth Film
Festival 2014. For further information on booking screenings and workshops
please register your interest to
to receive the latest festival news and updates.
check out this years highlights here<
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
One Powys Plan Conference. 20th September 2013, Llandrindod Wells
20th September 2013
9am-4.30pm, The Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells, Powys.
First phase consultation with key stakeholders to identify the high level strategic collaborative priorities for Powys over the next 3 years.
The day will consider the role of the Council as a community lead, vision & principles for a more collaborative approach to the challenges of public services.
To book a place:
tel: 01597 827332
please state any significant needs: access or diet.
To view the information on the poster please Click Here
9am-4.30pm, The Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells, Powys.
First phase consultation with key stakeholders to identify the high level strategic collaborative priorities for Powys over the next 3 years.
The day will consider the role of the Council as a community lead, vision & principles for a more collaborative approach to the challenges of public services.
To book a place:
tel: 01597 827332
please state any significant needs: access or diet.
To view the information on the poster please Click Here
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