This Network connects third sector organisations with each other, makes links with strategic planning and processes of Children & Young People's Partnership.
submitting articles for this site
If you wish to have any news relating to services for children and their families published onto this site please forward items to PAVO via email: Preferably send attachments in Word or publisher rather than pdf format.
If you wish to have further information about anything appearing here please do contact PAVO via the HelpDesk email: or phone: 0845 009 3288
If any of the links to documents, surveys or other websites don't work please do let us know and we will try again.
See our Sister Blog: PAVO Powys Play Partnership -
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Wanted - Casual Support Staff
Pay £8.25 per hour
Location: Llandrindod Wells
Powys Young Carers supports Young and Young Adult Carers up to the age of 25 across Powys.
Powys Young Carers is a service provided by Credu, a Registered Charity supporting unpaid and family carers.
We are looking for people who are experienced with working with children and young people to help us deliver our programme of trips and groups for Young Carers to have a break from their caring role and meet other Young Carers.
An enhanced DBS will be required.
A full job description and person specification is available at
To apply please send your CV, including contact details of two referees to or by post to;
Credu Marlow South Crescent Llandrindod Wells LD1 5DH
Consultation upon the Powys Local Development Plan
The Local Development Plan (LDP) is entering another consultation period. Starting on19 September 2017 local people and groups will have 6 weeks to send in their views or representations on the Matters Arising Changes that the independent Planning Inspector is proposing to make to the Plan, The LDP is the blueprint for land use in the County until 2026 and includes housing, employment, recreation, tourism, environmental protection, waste, transport and renewable energy.
Every aspect of the LDP has been scrutinised by the Inspector, and it has been subject to a public Examination at which individuals and organisations have challenged parts of its contents. Now that the Inspector has considered these challenges she has identified some further changes that she is proposing to make to the Plan. These are called the Matters Arising Changes.
Any individual or organisation interested in expressing their views on these Matters Arising Changes can visit the LDP website at planning-building-control/ local-development-plan/ and follow the links, or they can pick up a Representation form from their nearest Powys library. For more information contact: or 01597 827243. The consultation closes at 5.00pm on 30 October 2017.
The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.- Film about ACEs
The ACE Support Hub
is pleased to announce a public screening of the film:
Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.
At REDHOUSE, Old Town Hall, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8AE
On Tuesday 19
September 2017, 5.30-7.30pm
Light Refreshments will be provided
This event is FREE to
attend and registration takes place via Eventbrite.
Following the film a Q&A panel will be held to discuss
the Film and to further address the ACE agenda in Wales going forward.
Confirmed Panel
members include:
- Laura Tranter, Community Relationship and Engagement Lead, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Support Hub, Cymru Well Wales
- Mark Crane, Lead Psychologist for HMPPS in Wales, HM Prison and Probation Service in Wales
- Harriet Protheroe-Davis, Merthyr Community Organiser, Hope Not Hate
- Su Mably, Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Wales
We welcome all members of the public and also colleagues
from all sectors working within the Adverse Childhood Experiences agenda in Wales to attend.
This event is part of
a series of screenings across Wales for this film. If you are unable to attend
this event further screenings will take place across Wales during Autumn 2017.
Mae’n bleser gan Hyb Cymorth ACE gyhoeddi achlysur sgrinio’r
ffilm yn gyhoeddus:
CADERNID: Bioleg Straen a Gwyddor Gobaith
Yn REDHOUSE, Hen Neuadd y Dref, Stryd Fawr,
Merthyr Tudful. CF47 8AE
Ar ddydd Mawrth 19
Medi 2017, 5.30-7.30pm
Darperir Lluniaeth Ysgafn
Gellir mynychu’r
digwyddiad hwn AM DDIM a gellir cofrestru trwy Eventbrite.
Ar ôl y ffilm, cynhelir sesiwn holi ac ateb i drafod y Ffilm
ac i fynd i’r afael ag agenda ACE yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol.
Mae’r aelodau o’r Panel sydd wedi cadarnhau yn cynnwys:
- Laura Tranter, Arweinydd Cydberthynas ac Ymgysylltu Cymunedol, Hyb Cymorth Profiadau Niweidiol yn ystod Plentyndod (ACE), Cymru Well Wales
- Mark Crane, Prif Seicolegydd i HMPPS yng Nghymru, Gwasanaeth Prawf a Charchardai EM yng Nghymru
- Harriet Protheroe-Davis, Trefnydd Cymunedol Merthyr, Gobaith Nid Casineb
- Su Mably, Ymgynghorydd Iechyd y Cyhoedd, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru
Rydym yn croesawu pob aelod o’r cyhoedd a chydweithwyr o bob
sector sy’n gweithio o fewn yr agenda Profiadau Niweidiol yn ystod Plentyndod
yng Nghymru i fynychu.
Mae’r digwyddiad hwn
yn rhan o gyfres o ddigwyddiadau dangos y ffilm ar draws Cymru. Os nad ydych yn gallu mynychu’r digwyddiad
hwn, bydd yn cael ei ddangos eto ar draws Cymru yn ystod tymor yr Hydref 2017.
Unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch â
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Safeguarding and Cultural Awareness Training
Cultural Awareness in Safeguarding Children Ymwybyddiaeth Ddiwylliannol wrth
Ddiogelu Plant
11th October - Cardiff
A one day course
Understanding cultural differences is an important component
in effective working with families and children. Practitioners and managers can
be reluctant to address child welfare concerns because they fear being accused
of racism, intolerance or prejudice. Getting the balance right between cultural
sensitivity and making Westernised judgements on child welfare is difficult.
Cwrs undydd
Mae deall gwahaniaethau diwylliannol yn elfen bwysig o waith
effeithiol gyda theuluoedd a phlant. Gall ymarferwyr a rheolwyr fod yn amharod
i ymdrin â phryderon ynghylch lles plant oherwydd eu bod yn ofni cael eu
cyhuddo o fod yn hiliol, yn anoddefgar neu'n rhagfarnllyd. Mae sicrhau
cydbwysedd rhwng sensitifrwydd diwylliannol a gwneud dyfarniadau Gorllewinol
ynghylch lles plant yn anodd.
For more information or to book email:
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Community Information Fair at Builth Wells
As part of our work as Community Support & Volunteer Bureau, we are holding our Annual Community Information Fair.
Friday 20th October, 10a.m. - 1p.m. at Wyeside Arts Centre, Builth Wells.
Free Tea, Coffee & Homemade Cakes
This is a useful and interesting event for all to attend; discover what services are available in our community and how Volunteering can enhance your life as well as helping others.
We usually have 20 – 30 organisations attending who will be bringing displays on their services and Volunteering opportunities, including Volunteering awards for young people and Millennium Volunteers .
The new edition of our Local Information Directory will also be available.
If any organisation would like to have attend with a display, please contact Builth Wells Community Support by email at
Would your staff benefit from Outcomes based training?
There are places available on the Outcomes Based Care Planning & PCAS training as follows;
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or email or telephone 01597 827 333
12th October 2017
Cartrefi Cymru, Llandrindod Wells
9.30am – 4.30pm
To enable participants to have the knowledge and skills required to facilitate outcomes based person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review. To understand the principles of outcomes based assessments and plans
Key Learning Outcomes
· Understand how to facilitate person centred assessments
· Understand different types of outcomes and how to measure them
· Understand how adopting an outcomes focused approach contributes to quality services
Training Unit
Powys County C
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Research audit teen/ young adult suicide
The Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board have commissioned Cardiff University to undertake a research audit on teen/young adult suicide in our region, cutting across both children and adult services. The research has been undertaken by Dr Tom Slater, Lecturer in Social Work, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.
It has been agreed that Dr Slater will deliver the findings of his research via four learning events – one to be held in each Local Authority area within our region (information on the other events will be circulated once confirmed).
The first of these multi-agency dissemination events will be held in POWYS during National Safeguarding Week:
· Wednesday 15th November 2017
· 10am to 12noon
· Room 8, MRC, Oxford Rd, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6AH
There is space for 100 people to attend this multi-agency event and wide dissemination is encouraged throughout all partner agencies based in the Powys area for anyone who may benefit from the learning. Nominations within each region will be managed by the local area – please do not send names directly to the Business Unit.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Business Unit. 01437 776 696
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Meet the Funders
You are invited to a Meet the Funders session.
Wednesday 13th September
PAVO, LLandrindod 9.30am - 11.45am
PAVO, Plas Dolerw, Newtown 1.30pm - 3.45pm
You will have the opportunity to meet representatives from The Big Lottery, The Waterloo Foundation and Foundation Sport Wales.
For more information and to book call 01597 822 191
Parental Capacity and Substance Misuse - course places available
There are places available on the Parental Capacity and Substance Misuse training provided by Kaleidoscope as follows:
Please book your places via Trent Self-Service or email or telephone 01597 827333
31st October 2017 – NPTC, Theatr Hafren, Newtown – 9.30am – 4.30pm
This course is designed to give practitioners the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and practice of the impact of substance misuse on parenting capacity and family functioning. Participants will consider the ways in which substance misuse impacts on parenting in the short and long term, and the potential impact of this on children. The importance of analysing and sharing information will be a key focus along with the opportunity to reflect on practical ways of improving assessment practice.
Articulate the impacts of substance misuse issues on parenting and family functioning.
Identify parenting which is affected by parental substance misuse.
Describe the range of effects substance misuse in the short and long term for both parents and children, with a focus on the effects of substance use on cognitive and emotional capacity.
Discuss methods for analysing information in multi-agency parenting capacity and substance misuse assessments.
Training Unit
Powys County Council
01597 827333
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
News from Contact a Family- opportunities in Powys
‘If only I had found
you sooner’ - Early Years Workshop project
Contact a Family Cymru have run a pilot early years project
in Powys and are planning to run two further programmes of early year’s
workshops in Wales for parents of children 0-5 with disabilities or additional
needs (no diagnosis necessary). The programme covers topics such as: managing
sleep, encouraging positive behaviour, money matters and much more.
We are looking for early year’s providers such as local
authorities’ children’s services, portage teams, children’s health centres,
local support groups to co- facilitate and support with a venue, and of course
reaching families.
If you know a group of early year’s families who may benefit
from this programme, please contact
Kate Wyke on
or text or phone 07904 672 614
029 2039 6624.
‘Confident Caring
Families’ Garfield Weston Foundation
Further to our grant funding from the Garfield Weston
Foundation; a family-founded, grant-making trust which has been supporting
charities across the UK for over 50 years.
We will be coming to the following areas delivering a number
of workshops via support groups and charities. Covering topics such as
siblings, transition, behaviour, sleep, money matters and confidence at
meetings. Watch this space!
Llanelli Carmarthenshire - Behaviour that Challenges –
September 2017 TBC
St Asaph, Denbighshire - Siblings Workshop - October 2017
Bangor Gwynedd – Workshop TBC – September/October 2017 TBC
Rhondda Cynon Taf – Behaviour that Challenges – September
2017 TBC
Cardiff – Workshop TBC – November 2017
Llandrindod Wells, Powys - Behaviour that Challenges – 21st
November 2017
Llandrindod Wells, Powys – Transition – 23rd November 2017
To book contact Kate Wyke on or text or phone 07904 672 614
029 2039 6624.
We will advertise an updated list of workshops, once dates and
times are established.
Monday, 14 August 2017
Dates for the diary
Here are some dates to put in your diary.
Briefing: UNCRC,
National Participation Standards.
Wednesday 30th August – 1 – 3pm
Youth Centre, Llandrindod Wells.
In depth briefing on the UNCRC, National Participation
Standards for Children and Young People Wales and youth participation
structures within the County with a focus on the County Youth Forum.
To book email:
Children, Young
People and Families Network (North)
Friday 15th September - 9.30am -1.30pm
Carno Village Hall, Carno
Refreshments provided.
Details on topics and workshops to follow
To book email: or call 01597 822 191
Mental Health,
Wellbeing and the Great Green Outdoors (All Ages)
Monday 16th October -
9.30am – 4.00pm
Staylittle Outdoor Centre, Staylittle
Lunch and Refreshments provided
Discussions, opportunities and ways to work together going
To book email: or all 01597 822 191
Children, Young
People and Families Network (South)
Thursday 19th October
- 9.30am – 1.30pm
The Subud Hall , Brecon
Refreshments provided
Details on topics and workshops to follow
For more information, or to book contact
or call 01597 822 191
Powys Local Child
Protection Fora
8th November – COWSHACC, Welshpool
15th November – Elim Church , Brecon
22nd November MRC Wales, Llandrindod
9.30am – 4.30pm
Refreshments provided, bring your own lunch
, Call 01597 827 330.
Friday, 11 August 2017
Meet the Commissioner Event 11th August
An important
date for your diary - Now includes a discussion of the review of CAMHS
Meet the
Commissioner Event
Friday 11
August 2017
10.00am –
Offices, Unit 30 Ddole Road Enterprise Park, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF.
You are
invited to attend an event to meet prevention and early intervention commissioners
from the Children & Young People’s Partnership to learn about and discuss
the potential future commissioning opportunities available during the 2017/18
financial year and beyond.
We will be
discussing the strategic direction of prevention and early intervention
services for children, young people and their families in Powys and will be
focussing on the recommissioning of the Families First programme which will
take place during 2017/18. You will have the opportunity to meet the team, hear
more about these developments and ask any questions you may have. Welsh
Government has slightly changed the focus of the Families First programme in
order to address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and you can find out more
about these here:
There will also be an opportunity to meet Powys Health Board colleagues and to discuss the review of the CAMHS service.
There will also be an opportunity to meet Powys Health Board colleagues and to discuss the review of the CAMHS service.
We do hope
that you are able to attend – To book please contact or call 01597 822 191 to reserve your place. Please
inform us of any access or communications requirements.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Powys wins EU support to boost prospects of young people
Almost £1m of EU funding will be used to help improve the prospects of vulnerable young people in Powys.
The funding has been secured by Powys Council to provide mentoring, coaching and training to young people facing a number of challenges, including low self-esteem, mental health problems and the effects of poverty.
Around 600 young people aged 11 to 16 will benefit from the funding over the next three years as part of the new Cynnydd project, which Powys Council’s youth service will deliver in partnership with Careers Wales.
To read more:
PAVO Training: September - November 2017
Chairing Skills
20th September 2017 (half day)
Cost: £10 (PAVO members), £20 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £30 (All other/individuals)
· Identify the role of the chair and consider the knowledge and skills required
· Understand the preparation and planning needed for success
· Identify tools to work towards a successful meeting
To book click here.
Introduction to Quality Assurance Systems
28th September 2017 (half day)
Cost: £10 (PAVO members), £20 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £30 (All other/individuals)
By the end of the session, participants will:
• Understand the concept and benefits of Quality Assurance
• Have the resources and information to decide which Quality Assurance system is most suited
• Have the resources and information to decide which Quality Assurance system is most suited
• Understand the process of engaging with Quality Assurance systems
• Have an overview of how Quality Assurance systems can be mapped against each other
• Have an overview of how Quality Assurance systems can be mapped against each other
To book click here.
Demystifying Commissioning
23rd October 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
· Understand the commissioning process for social care services
· Assess the areas where third sector providers can be involved
· Understand tendering, and how it fits within the commissioning cycle
To book click here.
Volunteer Recruitment, Selection and Induction
8th and 9th November 2017 (two days)
Cost: £40 (PAVO members), £80 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £120 (All other/individuals)
The course will help you to plan recruitment and think about materials and approaches that will reach the volunteers you want. It looks at different steps in the recruitment process, including 'vetting', interviewing, and matching volunteers to volunteer roles.
To book click here.
Staff Supervision and Appraisal
22nd November 2017 (full day)
Cost: £20 (PAVO members), £40 (Non PAVO members/Third Sector), £60 (All other/individuals)
• Understand the benefits of supervision and appraisal to staff and the organisation
• Recognise the difference between supervision and appraisal
• Develop and implement appropriate systems for supervision and appraisal
• Recognise the difference between supervision and appraisal
• Develop and implement appropriate systems for supervision and appraisal
To book click here.
All courses take place at PAVO, Unit 30 Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF.
Training offered
There are places available on the NPS training as follows:
Please book your places via Trent Self Service or or telephone 01597 827333
The Gwalia Llandrindod Wells
1.30pm - 4.30pm
NPTC Newtown
1.30pm - 4.30pm
Neuadd Brycheiniog Brecon
1.30pm - 4.30pm
Course Provider: CAIS Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service
Key Learning Outcomes
By the end of the training participants will be able to:
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