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Friday 5 February 2016


This is a bilingual message, please scroll down for the Welsh / Mae hon yn neges ddwyieithog, sgroliwch lawr i’w darllen yn Gymraeg

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Message from WCVA Chief Executive and Chair

This is to advise of important changes to the service providing DBS checks currently managed by WCVA for the third sector in Wales.

The environment around DBS checks has changed significantly since 2003 including an increase in the number of registered bodies offering DBS checks and the availability of the DBS Update Service.

Welsh Government has identified the focus of funding for future support to the third sector should be concerned with safeguarding training, advice and support for organisations working with children, young people and vulnerable adults. WCVA, the wider third sector and statutory partners are engaged in discussions with Welsh Government in order to inform the development of a future service which will complement existing provision.

The approach outlined above means that free access to the DBS check service provided by WCVA will cease on 31 May 2016.  Free DBS checks for volunteers from DBS will continue and organisations and applicants can also take advantage of the DBS Update Service to avoid unnecessary repeat checks.  This service is free to volunteers and employers, and costs £13.00 per annum for employees.
WCVA’s Criminal Records Unit (CRU) will ensure a smooth transition to a new service and will continue to provide support to organisations in the change to a new way of working up to the end of May. This includes advice to trustees, staff and volunteers.

There is a timetabled closure of access to the DBS check service, which will be communicated individually to all CRU service users.  The present safeguarding and safer recruitment advice and guidance service provided by WCVA will remain fully accessible up until 31 May 2016. Signposting will be available for identifying alternative DBS umbrella Registered Bodies that can carry out checks on your behalf and these can also be found at although there may be an administration charge.

Ensuring the continued availability of accessible knowledge and experience will be part of WCVA’s work with the Welsh Government and our partners across the third sector as outlined above.

WCVA’s CRU is highly respected and valued by all its stakeholders and is numbered amongst the top 25 DBS Registered Bodies in England and Wales. We have been assured that this decision is in no way a reflection on the high standard of work or staff in the CRU. The changes introduced are a reflection of the changing environment around DBS checks since 2003.

We would like to thank the sector for its considerable support and encouragement over the years and for the many compliments we have received. We look forward to contributing our experience and expertise to the development of a new approach for the sector that links appropriately to core safeguarding services and focuses on governance and quality assurance.

Ruth Marks                 Chief Executive           
Peter Davies               Chair

PWYSIG – DARLLENWCH: Neges oddiwrth Brif Weithredwraig a Chadeirydd WCVA

Dyma roi gwybod am newidiadau pwysig yn y gwasanaeth sy’n darparu gwiriadau gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (GDG) a reolir ar hyn o bryd gan WCVA i’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru.

Mae maes gwiriadau GDG wedi newid cryn dipyn ers 2003 gan gynnwys cynnydd yn nifer y cyrff cofrestredig sy’n cynnig gwiriadau GDG ac argaeledd Gwasanaeth Diweddaru’r GDG.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru o’r farn y dylai cyllid ar gyfer cymorth i’r trydydd sector yn y dyfodol ganolbwyntio ar hyfforddiant, cyngor a chymorth diogelu i fudiadau sy’n gweithio gyda phlant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion agored i niwed. Mae WCVA, y trydydd sector ehangach a phartneriaid statudol mewn trafodaethau â Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn llywio datblygiad gwasanaeth yn y dyfodol a fydd yn ategu’r ddarpariaeth bresennol.

Golyga’r uchod y bydd mynediad am ddim at wasanaeth gwirio’r GDG a ddarperir gan WCVA yn dod i ben ar 31 Mai 2016. Bydd gwiriadau GDG am ddim i wirfoddolwyr gan y GDG yn parhau a gall mudiadau ac ymgeiswyr hefyd fanteisio ar Wasanaeth Diweddaru’r GDG i osgoi ailadrodd gwiriadau’n ddiangen. Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn ar gael am ddim i wirfoddolwyr a chyflogwyr ac yn costio £13.00 y flwyddyn i gyflogeion.

Bydd Uned Cofnodion Troseddol (UCT) WCVA yn sicrhau proses drosi hwylus at wasanaeth newydd a bydd yn parhau i roi cymorth i fudiadau wrth newid at ffordd newydd o weithio hyd at ddiwedd mis Mai. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyngor i ymddiriedolwyr, staff a gwirfoddolwyr.

Mae yna amserlen ar gyfer cau’r mynediad at wasanaeth gwirio’r GDG, a fydd yn cael ei hanfon yn unigol at holl ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth yr UCT. Bydd y gwasanaeth cyngor ac arweiniad ar ddiogelu a recriwtio mwy diogel a ddarperir gan WCVA ar gael yn llawn hyd at 31 Mai 2016. Bydd modd i ni’ch cyfeirio at Gyrff Cofrestredig ymbarél eraill y GDG a all gynnal gwiriadau ar eich rhan ac mae hefyd modd gweld y rhain ar er y gall fod ffi weinyddol.

Bydd sicrhau bod gwybodaeth a phrofiad hygyrch yn parhau i fod ar gael yn rhan o waith WCVA gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a’n partneriaid yn y trydydd sector drwyddo draw fel yr amlinellir uchod.

Mae UCT WCVA yn cael ei barchu a’i werthfawrogi’n fawr gan ei holl randdeiliaid ac mae ymysg 25 Corff Cofrestredig uchaf y GDG yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Fe'n sicrhawyd nad yw’r penderfyniad hwn mewn unrhyw ffordd yn adlewyrchiad ar safon uchel y gwaith na’r staff yn yr UCT. Cyflwynir y newidiadau yn sgil newidiadau ym maes gwiriadau GDG ers 2003.

Hoffem ddiolch i’r sector am ei gefnogaeth a’i anogaeth sylweddol dros y blynyddoedd ac am y cryn ganmoliaeth rydym wedi’i chael. Edrychwn ymlaen at gyfrannu ein profiad a’n harbenigedd at ddatblygu trefn newydd i’r sector sy’n cysylltu’n briodol â gwasanaethau diogelu craidd ac yn canolbwyntio ar lywodraethu a sicrhau ansawdd.

Yn gywir

Ruth Marks, Prif Weithredwr
Peter Davies, Cadeirydd

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