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Wednesday 3 June 2015

Powys (Safeguarding) Local Operational Group - Children in Wales (Understanding Digital Teens - Safety, Supervision and Sharing)

Understanding Digital Teens - Safety, Supervision and Sharing
18 June 2015, Merthyr Tydfil - Online Booking Form

A one day course

A non-sensationalist approach that looks at the evidence and examines the risks and benefits of internet use, as well as looking at the practical ways to help parents and workers to support young people to stay safe online. The course is divided into two parts. The first looks at the opportunities and threats around teenager's use of the internet and examines the conflicting and sometimes contradictory evidence. The second looks at the practical ways in which adults can support and protect young people including; setting parental controls, use of passwords, how to record and report incidents and helping children and young people identify risks and to protect themselves.

Topics include:
  • What are teens up to on the internet?
  • Understanding Social Networking, its risks and why it is so important to the lives of modern teenagers.
  • Do violent games make children violent?
  • Sex, abuse and the internet
  • Life style blogs; pro-ana, self-harming and suicide sites
  • Internet addiction, does it exist and how should it be treated?
  • How internet illiterate adults can help tech-savvy teens grow up safely in a digitally connected world
Suitable for all those working with teenagers and their families in non-structured settings including; Communities First, Families First, youth workers, afterschool clubs and play workers as well as foster carers and parents.

About the Trainer
Jon Trew is an experienced child protection trainer having delivered training to groups as diverse as housing maintenance staff, dentists and childcare workers. Jon has wide experience of working with children of all ages and backgrounds, having managed a children's centre, a nursery, an afterschool club and holiday play-care schemes. 
As early as the 1990's Jon was an enthusiast for using computers to work with children as young as four and five and has continued to promote safe ways for young children to access the internet and other electronic media. Jon has experience of working face to face with children as well as a deep understanding of the technical challenges it presents. Jon is also a trained facilitator for Parenting in the Digital Age (PitDA).
Jon said "A study in October 2011 found on average, the children who use computers started doing so at age 3 ½, while half of children under 8 in the US had access to a mobile device like a smartphone, an iPad or other tablet. The internet offers huge opportunities for our children to explore, learn and enjoy, however the benefits of this revolution are matched by threats and difficulties. Waiting until children reach their early teens before we consider internet safety is just too late. Parents, teachers and all child care professionals must rise to this challenge and ensure they are able to guide, monitor and protect our children through this new age".   

Members £115
Non Members £135

This course is also offered as in-house training, please contact for more information.

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