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Thursday 19 December 2013

Powys Teaching Health Board: MMR Vaccinations Needed

11 December 2013

MMR vaccination. Why wouldn’t you?

Measles can KILL; Mumps can cause MENINGITIS; Rubella can cause BIRTH DEFECTS

After the Measles outbreak across large parts of Wales, including Powys, we heard a lot in the press about the dangers of Measles. But even then, not enough chose to take up the offer of the MMR vaccination. Unfortunately, this means that there are large numbers of teenagers in Powys that are currently unprotected against the disease.

We also need to remember that as well as protecting against Measles, the MMR protects against Mumps and Rubella as well.

Mumps can lead to Viral Meningitis.  Rubella is a serious concern if a pregnant woman catches the infection during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, when it can cause serious health problems in the baby. As young people who are not protected against rubella reach the age where they might start having children, there is a very real danger of serious birth defects if they get rubella while pregnant.

But even if you didn’t receive your full MMR vaccination as a child, it isn’t too late to do so. By contacting your GP now, anyone that isn’t fully protected can easily arrange to have the vaccination and avoid the dangers of measles, mumps and rubella. Parents should take their children to the GP for vaccination but teenagers and young adults can also arrange for vaccination themselves.

Dr Catherine Woodward, Director of Public Health for Powys commented: “ I very strongly encourage parents to ensure that their children receive the MMR immunisation, to ensure that they are properly protected against the serious effects of Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Parents wishing to discuss this further can get advice from their GP.”

If you’re not sure if you are fully vaccinated, your GP will be able to check and let you know. It’s much better to be safe than sorry!

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