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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Toolkit for Schools: Use of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours

A toolkit for schools

Use of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours

A toolkit designed to help head teachers, governors and local organisations to work together to consider making school grounds available to local children out of teaching hours.

It is designed to provide clear and concise information for school communities and their partners to assess the feasibility of making school grounds available for children’s play out of teaching hours.

The toolkit considers a range of issues that need to be taken into account. It includes quotes from head teachers and case studies that demonstrate a range of models. It also provides practical, step-by-step tools and templates to undertaking work linked to the opening of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours.

To develop this toolkit, Play Wales established and consulted with a focus group of head teachers and external stakeholders during the drafting process and used their questions, responses and experiences to address the most significant issues.

The production of this toolkit has been funded by the Welsh Government to support the developments arising from the Play Sufficiency Assessments completed by each local authority in Wales. Section 11 of the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 places a duty on local authorities to assess and secure sufficient play opportunities for children in their area.

Download the toolkit
Pecyn cymorth ar gyfer ysgolion

Defnyddio tiroedd ysgol ar gyfer chwarae’r tu allan i oriau addysgu

Pecyn cymorth sydd wedi ei ddylunio i gynorthwyo penaethiaid, llywodraethwyr a mudiadau lleol i weithio gyda’i gilydd i ystyried sicrhau bod tiroedd ysgol ar gael i blant lleol y tu allan i oriau addysgu.

Mae’r pecyn cymorth hwn wedi ei ddylunio i ddarparu gwybodaeth eglur a chryno ar gyfer cymunedau ysgolion a’u partneriaid, er mwyn asesu ymarferoldeb gwneud yn siŵr bod tiroedd ysgol ar gael ar gyfer chwarae plant y tu allan i oriau addysgu.

Mae’r pecyn cymorth hwn yn edrych ar yr amrywiol faterion fydd angen eu hystyried. Mae’n cynnwys dyfyniadau gan benaethiaid sy’n seiliedig ar drafodaethau fu’n rhan o ddatblygiad y pecyn cymorth ac astudiaethau achos sy’n arddangos amrywiol fodelau. Mae hefyd yn darparu dulliau a thempledi cam-wrth-gam, ymarferol ar gyfer cwblhau gwaith sy’n gysylltiedig ag agor tiroedd ysgol ar gyfer chwarae’r tu allan i oriau addysgu.

Er mwyn datblygu’r pecyn cymorth hwn sefydlodd Chwarae Cymru, ac ymgynghori â, grŵp ffocws o benaethiaid a rhanddeiliaid allanol yn ystod y broses ddrafftio gan ddefnyddio eu cwestiynau, eu ymatebion a’u profiadau i ymdrin â’r materion pwysicaf.

Mae cynhyrchiad y pecyn cymorth hwn wedi ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi datblygiadau sy’n deillio o’r Asesiadau Digonolrwydd Chwarae a gwblhawyd gan bob awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru. Mae Adran 11 o Fesur Plant a Theuluoedd (Cymru) 2010 yn gosod dyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol i asesu a sicrhau cyfleoedd chwarae digonol ar gyfer plant yn eu hardal.

Lawrlwytho’r pecyn cymorth

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